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Updated: May 8, 2024

“Canterbury City Community Centre (4cs) has been supporting the community for 50 years. 4cs Social Inclusion and Wellness Program was successful in our application for funding for a group art project through the 2020/2021 Canterbury/ Bankstown Club Grants Program. The funding was provided by Campsie RSL. Group After COVID delayed the project, we finally got underway in April 2022 with an excursion to the Auburn Botanical gardens for inspiration, so it seems only fitting that we unveiled the completed artwork at the Peacock Gallery, next to the Botanical Gardens in Auburn.

Initially, the project was going to be a mural on the wall in our group room, however, with COVID social distancing restrictions we no longer run group activities in that space. The artist we employed for the project, Robbi Wymer, came on our excursion to the Auburn Botanical Gardens in April and brainstormed ideas with clients, staff, and volunteers. The group settled on a multidimensional fabric wall hanging with a painted backdrop and attached sewn, crocheted, and appliqued flowers, birds and other pieces inspired by the excursion to the Auburn Botanical Gardens.

Robbi attended the Friday ‘Knitting with Heart’ group every fortnight from April to September 2022. Each week clients would arrive with an abundance of items they had created to be used in the final artwork. The layout was agreed upon as a group and the final weeks were spent sewing all the pieces onto the backdrop. The group participants are all over 65 years of age and come from many countries around the world. They are very proud of their work on this project.”




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