Ham Raffle
FREE Entry into
Our Christmas Ham Raffle!
Simply register to claim your chance to WIN!
Raffle Drawn on 7th December
Ham pick up on 12th Saturday & 14th Monday December 3pm to 7pm
Terms and Conditions | CAMPSIE RSL GROUP
Authorised under NSW Trade Permit number TP/01147
1. The promoter is Campsie RSL located at 25 Anglo Road, Campsie NSW 2194.
2. To enter the promotion, members must be current and financial members of Campsie RSL Group. Consisting of Campsie RSL and Chester Hill RSL and hold a current and valid membership card.
3. Minors under the age of 18 years old are not permitted to enter.
4. The promotion will commence on the date that we re-open after Sydney lockdown & will then continue to run for 3 months (projected dates are 11 October 2021 – 1 January 2022).
5. All new and current members are eligible for the promotion.
6. Any member who enters either venue (Campsie RSL or Chester Hill RSL) will automatically enter the draw (1 entry per member only).
7. Each individual is entitled to one entry ONLY.
8. All entries will be valid/carry through the entirety of the promotion. This will, however, exclude any members who have won any of the cash prizes from any of the previous months.
9. Draws to take place on the 1st of the month for the month prior (for the 3-month promotion duration). There will be six draws which take place. A chance to win x5 $1000 and x1 $5000.
10. The winners will be announced over the PA system. They do not have to be present at the time of the draw.
11. Should the winner not be present at the time of the draw, they will be contacted via the best contact number they have provided in their membership. They will have 72 hours to claim & collect their prize.
12. Should the winner not claim or collect their prize within the 72-hour grace period, a re-draw will occur until a winner is found.
13. A valid members ID (membership card) will need to be presented upon collecting their prize. As well as their Medicare Certificate as proof of their double dose COVID-19 vaccination.
14. All prizes will be awarded in cash.
15. Each month, there will be six (6) winners guaranteed from both clubs combined.
16. The total amount of the entire prize pool is $30, 000.
17. The total amount of draws is 18, between Campsie RSL & Chester Hill RSL.
18. All enquiries regarding this permit can be directed to Tina Tselepatiotis, Marketing Manager, Campsie RSL Group on marketing@crslgroup.com.au or (02) 9784 0200.